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Mystery Blogger Award

Hello everyone, and welcome back to The Bookworm’s Fantasy! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my participation in the Mystery Blogger Award, which I was kindly nominated for by El’s Book World. The tag was created by Okoto Enigma. I was nominated for this a while ago, so I’m really sorry for my lateness! But better late than never. Here goes…



The Rules of the Tag:

  1. Put the award logo/image in your post.
  2. List all the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and leave a link to their blog.
  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  5. Nominate 10-20 people and notify them.
  6. Link back to the creator of the award.
  7. Ask nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with a weird or funny question.
  8. Share the link to your best/favourite post of yours.


3 Things About Myself:

  1. I am 20 years old, and my birthday is on January 9th.
  2. I study English Lit and Creative Writing at university, and will be going into my final year in September (scary!)
  3. I live in Birmingham, UK and have all of my life. I attend university in Birmingham too and commute there.


Answers to El’s Questions:

  • Where is your favourite place in the world and why?

My favourite place that I’ve been to on holiday is probably Egypt. I had a lot of happy memories going on holiday there, and my family owned an apartment there when I was younger. Just a shame I’ll probably never get to go there again! In terms of places I can still visit, I’d have to say Florida.

  • If you could trade reading for a year for £2 million, would you?

This is a really difficult question. Odds are, if I go into a job in the Publishing industry (which I want to), then reading will be a required part of the job. Or, if I go into my dream job of writing my own novels, then I will also read a great deal. So no, I  would probably not give up reading.

  • What’s your favourite film and why?

I can’t say that I have a favourite film really. I’m way more into books than I am films!

  • If someone were to buy you a gift, what would be the perfect item?

I most enjoy receiving books or clothes generally, but it all depends on who is giving me the gift! If it was somebody close to me I might have different ideas 🙂

  • What are your interests apart from reading and blogging?

I’m interested in makeup and enjoy watching beauty videos on YouTube. I play the piano and really enjoy having the time to play in the Summer (whilst I’m at university I can never find the time!) I have an interest in music generally, and love going to concerts and listening to music.


Because I’m so late to this, I’m not going to nominate any specific blogs (I have no idea who has already been nominated!) Feel free to take part if you’d like to, and make sure you leave me a link to your post in the comments.


My Questions:

  1. Which genre of books do you enjoy reading the most and why?
  2. Who are your top 5 favourite authors?
  3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  4. What’s your favourite food?
  5. Where and when do you enjoy reading the most?






Happy reading 🙂



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